Hanapan ang Blog na Ito

Sabado, Hulyo 28, 2012

LOVE is not just a noun that needs definition and description but it's also a VERB that needs to take action.

People say we are crazy when we smile alone with no reason .. but they never know it's the real smile with the SWEETEST REASON with SOMEONE in your thoughts.;)

MEN fall in love with their eyes.. WOMEN fall in love with their ears..
MEN tend to be blinded by beauty.. WOMEN tend to be deaf by lies...
whatever senses you'll be using,  LOVE KNOWS NO LOGIC!

Never doubt someone's love for you ... if you find some imperfections let it be...never find a PERFECT LOVE.. cause love without pain is just a GAME!

BUTTERFLIES  don't know the color of their wings .. but human eyes know how nice it is.. LIKEWISE you don't know how good you are .. but I know  HOW SPECiAL YOU CAN BE :)

I am bad in english but I can tell I LOVE YOU .
I am bad in history but I can remember the first time I SAW YOU.
I am bad in chemistry but I can see the reaction when YOU SMILE.
I am bad in every subject but I can tell I will pass if the topic is  ALL ABOUT YOU :)

What could be the most sweetest scene you could ever witness on earth?
its watching the one you love sleeping...and keeps saying YOUR NAME ;)

The day I met you was my favorite accident and even today I LOVE those injuries .

If you find someone who makes you smile, and makes your life complete.. face the fact and down your pride! keep and NEVER LET GO OF THAT PERSON.. because there's no right one .. if you find the real one ;D

Do you know why BOYS are meant taller than GIRLS?
So that they can hug their girl completely..
Do you know why GiRLS are meant to be less taller than boys ?
So that by the time that boys hug them, they can easily hear the heart that keeps on beating for them.

We don't need to explain how much we love a person... it depends on how they appreciate the efforts that you did for them to be contented.

Never FORCE someone to love you, let that person perfectly fall.. because it's nicer to let GRAViTY do the MOTiON than to  FORCELY grab AFFECTiON without ATTRACTiON .. and that's the SCiENCE of LOVE ;)

I'm scared to fall in love ,
scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love..... it never seems to last.

1 minute
1 day
1 week
1 month
1 year
No matter how long we don't see each other .. I;ll always be the same as the way I was before.

Being protective to your special someone doesn't mean that you are selfish, sometimes , it is just one way of letting people know that .. YOURS is YOURS ;)

Being inspired with someone is simpliest and the best reason why you find yourself smiling without a reason .

You can't have a RELATiONSHiP without any FiGHTS .. but you can make your RELATiONSHiP worth FiGHT ;)

IT's not a mistake to love someone in a young age, just remember to take a love as an INSPIRATiON not a DiSTRUCTiON.

The most bad thing is to see a person sad..
and the worst feeling would be knowing that  YOU'RE THE REASON BEHiND iT ;)

It takes millions , billions , and trillions of people to complete the world and make it smile.. but it takes only YOU to make my world SMiLE :)

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